Hanchey Law Firm Sex Crime

Colorado Springs Solicitation of a Minor Lawyers

Serving the state of Colorado

Do You Need Legal Help?

    Colorado Springs Solicitation of a Minor Lawyers

    Serving the state of Colorado

    Do You Need Legal Help?

      Bridgette Carabajal

      I've had the pleasure of working with Mr. Hanchey on two occasions, and each interaction has been nothing short of exceptional. His professional demeanor, coupled with the outstanding support from his staff significantly alleviated any anxieties I had. I am thoroughly satisfied with the outcomes achieved. Should the need for legal representation arise in the future, Mr. Hanchey will undoubtedly be my first choice.

      Lucas Garcia

      Mark Hanchey has been excellent. I spoke with him last minute before my court date. He still showed up to court with me and was very caring and helped me before I had even officially hired him. I felt like he cared about me and my case. He knows his craft very well and you can tell that the judge and other attorneys respect him when he is in court. He is also very kind. I recommend him to anyone. An excellent attorney.

      Renee Braucht

      I had an amazing experience with the Hanchey Law Firm! Mr. Hanchey got me the absolute best result I could have imagined for my case. I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve heard, “wow, you must have had a really good lawyer!” when discussing the result. I live far from Colorado Springs, but I will forever make the trip for this firm when I need them! Highly recommend!

      David Walker

      I have needed to use a lawyer a couple of times over the past several years and have used Mark Hanchey. He is a very down to earth person who has always treated me with dignity and has always been straight forward. His staff has also been professional and friendly. Each time I used Mark Hanchey the result was a positive one. I also think his fees are reasonable. I cant say enough good about Mark Hanchey.

      Hanchey BG

      With You Every Step of the Journey

      When you need legal help, Mark Hanchey and Ben Peterson are here to guide you through it all. One step at a time. Reach out today for legal support. Get The Law Firm of Mark S. Hanchey and Ben Peterson fighting for you.

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      Law Firm of Mark S Hanchey

      With You Every Step of the Journey

      When you need legal help, Mark Hanchey and Ben Peterson are here to guide you through it all. One step at a time. Reach out today for legal support. Get The Law Firm of Mark S. Hanchey and Ben Peterson fighting for you

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      7 Slip-Ups to Watch Out for After Being Arrested in Colorado

      7 Slip-Ups to Watch Out for After Being Arrested in Colorado

      Learn what you need to avoid during your criminal defense case. Download our free PDF guide.

      Colorado Springs Solicitation of a Minor Lawyers

      We understand the fear and uncertainty grappling with the weight of a solicitation of a minor charge in Colorado Springs can bring about. At The Law Firm of Mark S. Hanchey and Ben Peterson, we want you to know that you’re not alone, and we’re here to help you navigate through these challenging times.

      Understanding the Charges and Penalties

      The penalties for solicitation of a minor in Colorado are severe, mirroring those for engaging in prostitution when a child is involved. This offense is classified as a class 3 felony. If convicted, you could face a daunting sentence of 4 to 12 years in State Prison, accompanied by hefty fines ranging from $3,000 to $750,000.

      According to Colorado Revised Statutes Title 18, Criminal Code § 18-3-305, enticement of a child occurs when a person invites or persuades a child under the age of 15 years to enter any vehicle, building, room, or secluded place with the intent to commit sexual assault or unlawful sexual contact upon the said child. This act is categorized as a class 4 felony. However, it escalates to a class 3 felony if the defendant has a previous conviction for enticement of a child or sexual assault on a child, or if the enticement of a child results in bodily injury to that child.

      Your Path Forward

      Navigating the legal complexities surrounding solicitation of a minor charges demands experience and a thorough understanding of Colorado laws. Our team at The Law Firm of Mark S. Hanchey and Ben Peterson possesses the experience and dedication needed to pursue the best possible outcome for your case.

      Why Choose Us?

      In times of distress, having a reliable legal team by your side can make all the difference. Our firm is committed to providing you with the support and representation you need during this challenging period. With a deep understanding of Colorado Springs solicitation of a minor laws, we will work tirelessly to safeguard your rights and pursue a favorable resolution.

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      Choosing the Right Legal Team

      When you’re facing charges as serious as solicitation of a minor, selecting the right legal representation can make all the difference. At The Law Firm of Mark S. Hanchey and Ben Peterson, we understand the complexities and gravity of your situation, and we’re here to provide the guidance and support you need during this challenging time.

      Why Choose Us?

      Choosing The Law Firm of Mark S. Hanchey and Ben Peterson means choosing a team of experienced Colorado Springs solicitation of a minor lawyers who are dedicated to protecting your rights and advocating for your best interests. Here’s why we stand out:


      With years of experience handling solicitation of a minor cases, our legal team possesses the knowledge and experience needed to navigate through the intricate legal system. We understand the nuances of Colorado laws pertaining to these charges, allowing us to craft strategic defense strategies tailored to your unique circumstances.

      Free Consultations

      We believe that everyone deserves access to quality legal representation, which is why we offer free consultations for individuals facing solicitation of a minor charges. During your consultation, we’ll take the time to listen to your story, evaluate the details of your case, and provide you with honest and straightforward legal advice.

      Comprehensive Representation

      A solicitation of a minor conviction can have far-reaching consequences, including hefty fines, potential jail time, registration as a sex offender, and a permanent mark on your criminal record. At The Law Firm of Mark S. Hanchey and Ben Peterson, we recognize the gravity of these implications and are committed to providing you with comprehensive representation every step of the way.

      Guidance Through Court Proceedings

      Navigating through court and administrative proceedings can be overwhelming, especially for individuals who are unfamiliar with the legal system. Our team will be by your side to guide you through every stage of the process, from arraignment to trial, ensuring that you understand your rights and options at each juncture.

      Determining Your Best Chances for Success

      While the road ahead may seem daunting, it’s important to remember that you have options. The Law Firm of Mark S. Hanchey and Ben Peterson will work tirelessly to explore all possible avenues for defense and help you determine your best chances for a successful outcome. Whether it’s negotiating for reduced charges, seeking alternative sentencing options, or mounting a vigorous defense in court, we will be your staunch advocates every step of the way.

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      Avoiding Common Mistakes

      When facing charges of solicitation of a minor in Colorado Springs, it’s crucial to proceed with caution and avoid making mistakes that could potentially jeopardize your case. Here are some common pitfalls to steer clear of:

      Speaking to Law Enforcement Without Legal Representation

      One of the most common mistakes individuals make after being arrested is speaking to law enforcement without the presence of legal representation. Anything you say to the police can be used against you in court, so it’s essential to exercise your right to remain silent until you have consulted with an experienced solicitation of a minor lawyer.

      Discussing Your Case on Social Media

      It’s easy to fall into the trap of discussing your legal situation on social media platforms. However, posting about your case online can have serious consequences and may be used against you by the prosecution. It’s best to refrain from discussing your case on social media and instead focus on seeking guidance from a qualified legal professional.

      Failing to Seek Legal Advice Early On

      Perhaps the most significant mistake you can make is failing to seek legal advice early on in the process. Waiting too long to consult with a lawyer can limit your options and hinder your ability to mount a strong defense. The sooner you reach out to a solicitation of a minor attorney, the better equipped you’ll be to protect your rights and pursue a favorable outcome.

      Frequently Asked Questions

      Navigating through the legal process after being arrested for solicitation of a minor can be daunting, and you likely have many questions about your situation. Here are some frequently asked questions along with their answers:

      A solicitation of a minor conviction in Colorado Springs can have serious consequences, including hefty fines, potential jail time, registration as a sex offender, and a permanent mark on your criminal record.

      Yes, if convicted of solicitation of a minor in Colorado, you will likely be required to register as a sex offender. This registry can have significant long-term implications for your personal and professional life.

      Yes, you have the right to mount a defense against solicitation of a minor charges in court. An experienced solicitation of a minor lawyer can help you explore all possible defense strategies and advocate for your best interests in court.

      It’s generally not advisable to speak to law enforcement without the presence of legal representation. Anything you say to the police can be used against you in court, so it’s essential to exercise your right to remain silent until you have consulted with a qualified solicitation of a minor attorney.

      The Law Firm of Mark S. Hanchey and Ben Peterson can provide you with the guidance and support you need during this challenging time. Our experienced legal team will work tirelessly to protect your rights and pursue the most favorable outcome possible for your case. We offer free consultations, so don’t hesitate to reach out to us for help with your solicitation of a minor charge in Colorado Springs.

      Colorado Springs Solicitation of a Minor Lawyers Client Story

      This client story is for educational purposes only.

      Colorado Springs resident Calvin’s world came crashing down when he found himself arrested for solicitation of a minor online. As the weight of the charges bore down on him, he felt lost, scared, and unsure of what to do next. But amidst the darkness, a beacon of hope emerged in the form of Mark Hanchey, a seasoned solicitation of a minor lawyer at The Law Firm of Mark S. Hanchey and Ben Peterson.

      Calvin had never imagined he would be in such a predicament. He was a hardworking man, well-liked by his neighbors, and dedicated to his job. But a moment of misguided curiosity online led to a nightmare he couldn’t wake up from. As he sat in his cell, thoughts of his family, his reputation, and his future weighed heavily on his mind.

      From their first meeting, Mark Hanchey exuded confidence and compassion, assuring Calvin that he was not alone in his fight. With Mark by his side, Calvin felt a glimmer of hope flicker to life within him.

      Mark meticulously reviewed every detail of Calvin’s case, leaving no stone unturned in his pursuit of justice. He listened intently as Calvin recounted the events that led to his arrest, offering reassurance and guidance every step of the way. Together, they crafted a defense strategy aimed at clearing Calvin’s name and reclaiming his future.

      As the trial date approached, Calvin found himself gripped by nerves and doubt. But Mark remained steadfast in his belief in Calvin’s innocence, bolstering his spirits and reminding him of his strength. And when the day of reckoning finally arrived, Mark stood by Calvin’s side in the courtroom, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

      Through Mark’s advocacy and unwavering dedication, Calvin’s innocence was ultimately proven, and he emerged from the courtroom a free man. Tears of relief streamed down his face as he embraced Mark, grateful beyond words for the second chance he had been given.

      Today, Calvin is living his life with renewed purpose and gratitude, forever grateful to Mark Hanchey and The Law Firm of Mark S. Hanchey and Ben Peterson for their unwavering support. Though the road was long and arduous, Calvin’s story serves as a testament to the power of hope, perseverance, and the guiding hand of a trusted legal advocate.

      If you’ve been arrested for solicitation of a minor in Colorado, don’t face the legal system alone. The Law Firm of Mark S. Hanchey and Ben Peterson is here to provide you with the guidance and support you need during this challenging time.

      Free Consultations

      We offer free consultations for individuals facing solicitation of a minor charges in Colorado Springs. During your consultation, we’ll take the time to listen to your concerns, answer any questions you may have, and provide you with honest and straightforward legal advice.

      Dedicated Representation

      With years of experience handling solicitation of a minor cases, our legal team is dedicated to protecting your rights and advocating for your best interests. We will work tirelessly to explore all possible defense strategies and pursue the best possible outcome for your case.

      Contact Us Today

      Don’t wait to seek legal representation if you’ve been arrested for solicitation of a minor in Colorado. Contact The Law Firm of Mark S. Hanchey and Ben Peterson today to schedule your free consultation. Let us guide you through this difficult time and help you secure a brighter future.

      Client Reviews

      Hanchey has been amazing through the whole process of my case I have to say, he set my mind at ease through the whole process. I highly recommend him any day. He has gone above and beyond for me making sure I know everything.

      Romano Kuczirka

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