Hanchey Law Firm DWI Brand

Colorado Springs DUI Lawyers

Serving the state of Colorado

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    Colorado Springs DUI Lawyers

    Serving the state of Colorado

    Do You Need Legal Help?

      Bridgette Carabajal

      I've had the pleasure of working with Mr. Hanchey on two occasions, and each interaction has been nothing short of exceptional. His professional demeanor, coupled with the outstanding support from his staff significantly alleviated any anxieties I had. I am thoroughly satisfied with the outcomes achieved. Should the need for legal representation arise in the future, Mr. Hanchey will undoubtedly be my first choice.

      Lucas Garcia

      Mark Hanchey has been excellent. I spoke with him last minute before my court date. He still showed up to court with me and was very caring and helped me before I had even officially hired him. I felt like he cared about me and my case. He knows his craft very well and you can tell that the judge and other attorneys respect him when he is in court. He is also very kind. I recommend him to anyone. An excellent attorney.

      Renee Braucht

      I had an amazing experience with the Hanchey Law Firm! Mr. Hanchey got me the absolute best result I could have imagined for my case. I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve heard, “wow, you must have had a really good lawyer!” when discussing the result. I live far from Colorado Springs, but I will forever make the trip for this firm when I need them! Highly recommend!

      David Walker

      I have needed to use a lawyer a couple of times over the past several years and have used Mark Hanchey. He is a very down to earth person who has always treated me with dignity and has always been straight forward. His staff has also been professional and friendly. Each time I used Mark Hanchey the result was a positive one. I also think his fees are reasonable. I cant say enough good about Mark Hanchey.

      Hanchey BG

      With You Every Step of the Journey

      When you need legal help, Mark Hanchey and Ben Peterson are here to guide you through it all. One step at a time. Reach out today for legal support. Get The Law Firm of Mark S. Hanchey and Ben Peterson fighting for you.

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      Law Firm of Mark S Hanchey

      With You Every Step of the Journey

      When you need legal help, Mark Hanchey and Ben Peterson are here to guide you through it all. One step at a time. Reach out today for legal support. Get The Law Firm of Mark S. Hanchey and Ben Peterson fighting for you

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      7 DUI Don’ts: Avoiding Common Mistakes After an Arrest in Colorado

      7 DUI Don’ts: Avoiding Common Mistakes After an Arrest in Colorado

      Learn what you need to avoid during your DUI case. Download our free PDF guide.

      Colorado Springs DUI Lawyers

      If you find yourself on this page, it’s likely because you’re seeking legal counsel after a DUI arrest in Colorado Springs. We understand the concerns and anxieties you may be experiencing about your future. Rest assured, at The Law Firm of Mark S. Hanchey and Ben Peterson, we’re here to offer support and guidance every step of the way.

      Understanding DUI Charges in Colorado

      First Offenses

      When facing a first DUI offense in Colorado, it’s crucial to comprehend the potential penalties you may face. Upon conviction, you could be looking at imprisonment in the county jail for a minimum of five days, but no more than one year. Additionally, fines ranging from six hundred to one thousand dollars may be imposed, along with mandatory useful public service hours. These penalties underscore the seriousness with which Colorado treats DUI offenses, even for first-time offenders.

      For those with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.20 or higher, the stakes are even higher. In such cases, imprisonment can extend to at least ten days, with fines and public service requirements remaining consistent. The enhanced penalties for elevated BAC levels underscore the state’s commitment to deterring high-risk behavior on the roads.

      Second Offenses

      A second DUI offense within a certain timeframe carries more severe consequences. Expect imprisonment ranging from ten consecutive days to one year, with fines increased to between six hundred and one thousand five hundred dollars. Moreover, a mandatory probation period of at least two years becomes part of the sentencing. These enhanced penalties reflect the state’s determination to address repeat DUI offenses with greater severity, emphasizing the importance of seeking legal counsel to navigate the complexities of the legal process.

      If your second offense occurs within five years of the previous one, the court loses discretion in sentencing alternatives, and you may face additional restrictions on your activities. This lack of discretion underscores the need for proactive legal representation to advocate for the best possible outcome in your case.

      Third and Subsequent Offenses

      The severity of penalties escalates with each subsequent offense. A third DUI conviction could result in imprisonment for a minimum of sixty days to one year, along with increased fines and mandatory public service hours. Probation is inevitable and may extend up to two years, coupled with a suspended sentence. These escalating penalties highlight the importance of taking swift and decisive action to protect your rights and future.

      Felony Offenses

      Felony DUI charges carry significant legal ramifications, including lengthy imprisonment periods and hefty fines. Additionally, probation conditions become more stringent, often involving mandatory alcohol treatment programs and ongoing monitoring.

      Navigating Probation

      If sentenced to probation, adherence to its conditions is crucial. Failure to comply can lead to imprisonment, fines, and other penalties. However, early termination of probation is possible under certain circumstances, provided the court deems it safe and appropriate. Navigating probation requires diligent compliance and proactive legal advocacy to ensure the best possible outcome for your case.

      Ignition Interlock Devices

      Courts may require the use of ignition interlock devices as a condition of bond, probation, or participation in certain programs. These devices aim to prevent intoxicated individuals from operating a vehicle, promoting safety on the road. Understanding the potential implications of ignition interlock device requirements is essential for individuals facing DUI charges, underscoring the importance of seeking knowledgeable legal guidance.

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      Why Choose The Law Firm of Mark S. Hanchey and Ben Peterson

      Facing DUI charges can be a daunting experience, but having the right legal team by your side can make all the difference in the outcome of your case. At The Law Firm of Mark S. Hanchey and Ben Peterson, we understand the gravity of DUI charges and the potential consequences they can have on your life. Here’s why choosing our team of experienced Colorado Springs DUI Lawyers is crucial for your defense:

      Experienced Representation

      When it comes to defending against DUI charges, experience matters. Our team of attorneys bring decades of experience and a track record of success in handling DUI cases in Colorado. We understand the intricacies of DUI laws and know how to navigate the complexities of the legal system to achieve the best possible outcome for our clients.

      Free Consultations

      We offer free consultations to individuals who have been arrested for DUI. During your consultation, we will review the details of your case, answer any questions you may have, and provide you with an honest assessment of your situation. This initial consultation allows us to understand your unique circumstances and develop a personalized defense strategy tailored to your needs.

      Guidance Through Complex Proceedings

      Navigating the legal process following a DUI arrest can be overwhelming, with complicated court and administrative proceedings to contend with. Our team at The Law Firm of Mark S. Hanchey and Ben Peterson is here to guide you every step of the way. We will explain your rights, options, and potential outcomes, empowering you to make informed decisions about your case.

      Determining Your Best Chances for Success

      With our extensive experience in DUI defense, we can help you determine your best chances for a successful outcome. Whether it’s negotiating a plea bargain, challenging the evidence against you, or representing you in court, we will work tirelessly to achieve the best possible result for your case. You don’t have to face DUI charges alone — let us fight for your rights and protect your future.

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      Avoiding Common Mistakes and Seeking Legal Guidance

      Facing DUI charges can be a stressful and overwhelming experience, especially if it’s your first time dealing with the legal system. In such situations, it’s essential to avoid common mistakes that could potentially harm your case. Here are some mistakes to avoid if you’ve been arrested for a DUI in Colorado Springs, and how The Law Firm of Mark S. Hanchey and Ben Peterson can help you navigate through this challenging time:

      Delaying Legal Representation

      One of the biggest mistakes individuals make after a DUI arrest is delaying or forgoing legal representation. It’s crucial to seek the advice of an experienced DUI lawyer as soon as possible to understand your rights and legal options. Waiting too long to consult with an attorney can result in missed opportunities to build a strong defense and protect your interests.

      Discussing the Case with Law Enforcement

      Anything you say to the police can be used against you in court, so it’s essential to exercise your right to remain silent until you have consulted with a lawyer. Our team at The Law Firm of Mark S. Hanchey and Ben Peterson can advise you on how to handle interactions with law enforcement and protect your legal rights.

      Failing to Understand the Consequences

      Many individuals underestimate the severity of DUI charges and the potential consequences they can have on their lives. A DUI conviction can result in fines, license suspension, mandatory alcohol education programs, and even jail time. It’s essential to fully understand the potential consequences of a DUI conviction and take proactive steps to defend against the charges.

      Not Seeking Legal Guidance

      Perhaps the most significant mistake individuals make is not seeking legal guidance after a DUI arrest at all. Our team at The Law Firm of Mark S. Hanchey and Ben Peterson is here to help you navigate through this challenging time. We offer free consultations to individuals who have questions about their DUI charges. During your consultation, we will review the details of your case, answer any questions you may have, and provide you with honest and straightforward legal advice.

      Answers to Your Frequently Asked Questions About DUI Charges in Colorado Springs

      Here are some frequently asked questions and their answers to help you better understand the DUI process:

      A DUI conviction in Colorado can result in serious consequences, including fines, license suspension, mandatory alcohol education programs, and even jail time. The severity of the penalties depends on various factors, including prior offenses and the circumstances of the current arrest.

      If you are charged with a DUI in Colorado, your driver’s license may be suspended. However, you have the right to request a hearing to challenge the suspension. Our team can assist you in navigating the administrative process and advocating for your driving privileges.

      In Colorado, drivers are subject to implied consent laws, which means that by operating a vehicle, you are consenting to chemical testing if suspected of DUI. Refusing to take a breathalyzer or blood test can result in automatic license suspension. However, there may be legal defenses available depending on the circumstances of your case.

      Yes, it’s highly recommended to seek legal representation if you’re facing DUI charges. A knowledgeable DUI lawyer can assess your case, advise you on your rights, and develop a strategic defense to protect your interests.

      Our team of Colorado Springs DUI lawyers can provide comprehensive legal assistance at every stage of your DUI case. From reviewing the details of your arrest to representing you in court, we will work tirelessly to defend your rights and pursue the most favorable outcome for your case. We offer free consultations to individuals facing DUI charges, so don’t hesitate to reach out for guidance and support.

      Colorado Springs DUI Lawyers Client Story

      This client story is for educational purposes only.

      In the heart of Colorado Springs, Kenneth found himself facing the darkest hour of his life. It was a chilly evening when the flashing lights of the police car appeared in his rearview mirror, pulling him over for suspected DUI. Panic surged through Kenneth as he realized the gravity of the situation.

      As he sat in the back of the police car, the weight of his mistake settled heavily on his shoulders. Thoughts raced through his mind — the potential consequences, the shame of letting down his family, the fear of what lay ahead. It was a moment of despair unlike any other.

      But in the midst of his turmoil, Kenneth found a glimmer of hope. He remembered hearing about The Law Firm of Mark S. Hanchey and Ben Peterson, a team of dedicated attorneys known for their experience in DUI defense. With nothing to lose, Kenneth reached out to them for help.

      From the moment he met attorney Mark Hanchey, Kenneth felt a sense of reassurance wash over him. Mark listened attentively as Kenneth recounted the events of that fateful night, offering words of encouragement and support. With his guidance, Kenneth began to see a path forward, a chance to reclaim his life from the grips of uncertainty.

      With unwavering determination, Mark and his team dove headfirst into Kenneth’s case. They meticulously analyzed every detail, leaving no stone unturned in their quest for justice. Through countless hours of research and preparation, they built a compelling defense strategy aimed at securing Kenneth’s freedom.

      As the trial date approached, Kenneth’s nerves were frayed with anticipation. But standing by his side was Mark, a beacon of strength and resolve. With his experience and unwavering support, Mark instilled in Kenneth a newfound sense of confidence.

      And when the day of reckoning finally arrived, Kenneth stood before the judge, his fate hanging in the balance. But thanks to the tireless efforts of Mark and his team, justice prevailed. With a verdict of not guilty, Kenneth felt the weight of the world lift from his shoulders.

      In that moment of triumph, Kenneth realized the true power of hope and resilience. And he knew that none of it would have been possible without the guidance and support of attorney Mark Hanchey and The Law Firm of Mark S. Hanchey and Ben Peterson. With their help, Kenneth emerged from the darkness stronger than ever, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead

      If you’ve been arrested for a DUI in Colorado Springs, don’t face the legal process alone. The Law Firm of Mark S. Hanchey and Ben Peterson is here to help you navigate through this challenging time. Our experienced team understands the complexities of DUI cases and is dedicated to providing you with the guidance and support you need.

      Free Consultations Available

      We offer free consultations to individuals who have questions about their DUI charges. During your consultation, we will review the details of your case, answer any questions you may have, and provide you with honest and straightforward legal advice. Our goal is to help you understand your rights and options so that you can make informed decisions about your future.

      Dedicated to Your Defense

      At The Law Firm of Mark S. Hanchey and Ben Peterson, we are committed to fighting for the best possible outcome for your case. We will work tirelessly to defend your rights and pursue every available legal avenue to secure a favorable result. Whether it’s negotiating with prosecutors, challenging evidence, or representing you in court, we will be by your side every step of the way.

      Contact Us Today

      Don’t wait to seek legal representation if you’ve been charged with a DUI. Contact The Law Firm of Mark S. Hanchey and Ben Peterson today to schedule your free consultation. Let us put our experience to work for you and fight to protect your rights and future. Your journey to justice starts here.

      Client Reviews

      Hanchey has been amazing through the whole process of my case I have to say, he set my mind at ease through the whole process. I highly recommend him any day. He has gone above and beyond for me making sure I know everything.

      Romano Kuczirka

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