Hanchey Law Firm Domestic Violence Brand

Colorado Springs Domestic Violence Lawyers

Serving the state of Colorado

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    Colorado Springs Domestic Violence Lawyers

    Serving the state of Colorado

    Do You Need Legal Help?

      Bridgette Carabajal

      I've had the pleasure of working with Mr. Hanchey on two occasions, and each interaction has been nothing short of exceptional. His professional demeanor, coupled with the outstanding support from his staff significantly alleviated any anxieties I had. I am thoroughly satisfied with the outcomes achieved. Should the need for legal representation arise in the future, Mr. Hanchey will undoubtedly be my first choice.

      Lucas Garcia

      Mark Hanchey has been excellent. I spoke with him last minute before my court date. He still showed up to court with me and was very caring and helped me before I had even officially hired him. I felt like he cared about me and my case. He knows his craft very well and you can tell that the judge and other attorneys respect him when he is in court. He is also very kind. I recommend him to anyone. An excellent attorney.

      Renee Braucht

      I had an amazing experience with the Hanchey Law Firm! Mr. Hanchey got me the absolute best result I could have imagined for my case. I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve heard, “wow, you must have had a really good lawyer!” when discussing the result. I live far from Colorado Springs, but I will forever make the trip for this firm when I need them! Highly recommend!

      David Walker

      I have needed to use a lawyer a couple of times over the past several years and have used Mark Hanchey. He is a very down to earth person who has always treated me with dignity and has always been straight forward. His staff has also been professional and friendly. Each time I used Mark Hanchey the result was a positive one. I also think his fees are reasonable. I cant say enough good about Mark Hanchey.

      Hanchey BG

      With You Every Step of the Journey

      When you need legal help, Mark Hanchey and Ben Peterson are here to guide you through it all. One step at a time. Reach out today for legal support. Get The Law Firm of Mark S. Hanchey and Ben Peterson fighting for you.

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      Law Firm of Mark S Hanchey

      With You Every Step of the Journey

      When you need legal help, Mark Hanchey and Ben Peterson are here to guide you through it all. One step at a time. Reach out today for legal support. Get The Law Firm of Mark S. Hanchey and Ben Peterson fighting for you

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      7 Slip-Ups to Watch Out for After Being Arrested in Colorado

      7 Slip-Ups to Watch Out for After Being Arrested in Colorado

      Learn what you need to avoid during your criminal defense case. Download our free PDF guide.

      Colorado Springs Domestic Violence Lawyers

      We understand the multitude of emotions and worries that may accompany the weight of a domestic violence charge in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Here at The Law Firm of Mark S. Hanchey and Ben Peterson, we extend our empathy and support to you during this challenging time.

      Understanding Domestic Violence Charges

      Domestic violence charges can encompass a wide range of behaviors and actions, all of which are considered harmful or threatening within a domestic relationship. These relationships can include spouses, partners, family members, or individuals who share a household.

      The Legal Framework in Colorado Springs

      In Colorado Springs — as in many jurisdictions — domestic violence is taken very seriously by law enforcement and the legal system. Colorado law defines domestic violence as any act or threatened act of violence against someone with whom the perpetrator has an intimate relationship.

      Potential Consequences

      The consequences of a domestic violence charge in Colorado Springs can be severe and far-reaching. Beyond the immediate legal penalties, such as fines and potential incarceration, individuals convicted of crimes defined as domestic violence may face long-term repercussions. These can include the loss of child custody or visitation rights, damage to personal and professional relationships, and difficulty securing employment or housing.

      Statistics on Domestic Violence

      According to data from the Colorado Attorney General’s Office, domestic violence remains a significant issue in our state. In 2022, there were 94 deaths tied to domestic violence in Colorado. Alarmingly, this is almost twice as many murders on average as there had been in the last seven years of data collection.

      How We Can Help

      At The Law Firm of Mark S. Hanchey and Ben Peterson, our experienced team understands the complexities of domestic violence cases in Colorado Springs. We are dedicated to providing our clients with comprehensive legal representation aimed at achieving the best possible outcome.

      Our approach begins with a thorough review of the circumstances surrounding your case. We will work closely with you to develop a strategic defense tailored to your unique situation. Whether negotiating with prosecutors, challenging evidence, or advocating on your behalf in court, we are committed to fighting for your rights and protecting your future.

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      Choosing Experienced Colorado Springs Domestic Violence Lawyers

      When facing domestic violence charges in Colorado Springs, CO, the choice of legal representation can have a profound impact on the outcome of your case. Selecting a team of experienced and knowledgeable attorneys are essential to navigating the complexities of the legal system and safeguarding your rights.

      Why Experience Matters

      Domestic violence cases can be particularly complex, often involving intricate legal nuances and emotionally charged circumstances. That’s why it’s crucial to choose attorneys who have a deep understanding of Colorado’s laws pertaining to domestic violence and a proven track record of success in handling such cases.

      The Law Firm of Mark S. Hanchey and Ben Peterson Difference

      At The Law Firm of Mark S. Hanchey and Ben Peterson, we bring decades of combined experience to each case we handle. Our team of seasoned attorneys have a comprehensive understanding of Colorado’s domestic violence laws and the intricacies of the legal process.

      Free Consultations

      We understand that facing domestic violence charges can be overwhelming, which is why we offer free consultations to prospective clients. During this initial meeting, we will take the time to listen to your concerns, evaluate the details of your case, and provide you with clear and honest guidance regarding your legal options.

      Consequences of a Domestic Violence Conviction

      A domestic violence conviction can carry serious consequences, including hefty fines, potential jail time, and the long-term stigma of a criminal record. Additionally, individuals convicted of domestic violence may face restrictions on their freedom, such as protective orders or probation requirements.

      Guidance Through Complicated Proceedings

      Navigating the court system can be daunting, especially for those unfamiliar with legal proceedings. At The Law Firm of Mark S. Hanchey and Ben Peterson, we are committed to guiding our clients through every step of the process. From court appearances to administrative hearings, we will be by your side, advocating for your rights and working tirelessly to achieve the best possible outcome.

      Determining Your Best Chances for Success

      Every case is unique, and there is no one-size-fits-all approach to defending against domestic violence charges. That’s why it’s essential to work with attorneys who will take the time to understand your specific circumstances and develop a personalized defense strategy tailored to your needs.

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      Avoiding Common Mistakes After a Domestic Violence Arrest

      It’s essential to avoid certain common mistakes that could potentially harm your case and jeopardize your future. Here are some pitfalls to steer clear of:

      Speaking to Law Enforcement Without Legal Representation

      One of the most critical mistakes individuals make after a domestic violence arrest is speaking to law enforcement without first consulting with an attorney. Anything you say to the police can be used against you in court, so it’s crucial to exercise your right to remain silent until you have legal representation present.

      Failing to Understand Your Rights

      Many people facing domestic violence charges in Colorado Springs are unaware of their rights under the law. It’s essential to understand that you have the right to legal counsel, the right to a fair trial, and the right to confront witnesses against you. Without this knowledge, you may inadvertently waive important legal protections.

      Violating Restraining Orders or Protective Orders

      If a restraining order or protective order has been issued against you as a result of a domestic violence arrest, it’s critical to adhere to its terms. Violating a restraining order can result in additional criminal charges and further complicate your legal situation.

      Frequently Asked Questions About Domestic Violence Charges

      Here are some frequently asked questions that individuals facing domestic violence charges in Colorado Springs may have:

      If you’ve been arrested for domestic violence, it’s essential to remain calm and assert your right to legal representation. Refrain from speaking to law enforcement without an attorney present, and avoid making any statements that could be used against you in court.

      A domestic violence conviction can have serious consequences, including fines, jail time, probation, and the loss of certain rights and privileges. Additionally, individuals convicted of domestic violence may face challenges in obtaining employment, housing, and custody or visitation rights.

      Yes, in Colorado Springs, domestic violence charges can be pursued by law enforcement and prosecutors even if the alleged victim does not wish to press charges. Once law enforcement becomes aware of a potential domestic violence incident, they have the authority to investigate and pursue charges independently of the victim’s wishes.

      When determining the outcome of a domestic violence case, the court will consider various factors, including the severity of the alleged offense, any prior criminal history, the presence of any aggravating or mitigating circumstances, and the recommendations of the prosecution and defense.

      A lawyer can provide invaluable assistance throughout every stage of your domestic violence case. From conducting a thorough investigation and gathering evidence to crafting a strategic defense strategy and advocating on your behalf in court, an attorney will work tirelessly to protect your rights and achieve the best possible outcome for your case.

      Yes, it may be possible to have domestic violence charges dismissed or reduced with the help of an experienced attorney. Depending on the circumstances of your case, your attorney may be able to negotiate with prosecutors, challenge the evidence against you, or present mitigating factors to the court to achieve a favorable outcome.

      Colorado Springs Domestic Violence Lawyers Client Story

      This client story is for educational purposes only.

      In the quiet streets of Colorado Springs, Cameron found himself in a whirlwind of confusion and fear. His heart pounded with anxiety as he sat in a cold, sterile room, his mind replaying the events that led to his arrest for domestic violence against his girlfriend. As the weight of the charges pressed down on him, Cameron felt lost and alone, unsure of where to turn for help.

      But then, like a beacon of hope cutting through the darkness, Cameron discovered The Law Firm of Mark S. Hanchey and Ben Peterson. From the moment he stepped into their office, he knew he was in good hands. Mark Hanchey, a seasoned criminal defense lawyer with a reputation for compassion and experience, listened intently as Cameron poured out his story, his fears, and his hopes for the future.

      With Mark by his side, Cameron embarked on a journey of legal advocacy and support unlike any other. Mark took the time to understand every detail of Cameron’s case, leaving no stone unturned in his pursuit of justice. He meticulously reviewed the evidence, interviewed witnesses, and crafted a defense strategy tailored to Cameron’s unique situation.

      As the trial date approached, Cameron felt a mix of nerves and anticipation. But with Mark by his side, he found the strength to face the courtroom with courage and resolve. Mark’s unwavering dedication and experience shone through as he presented Cameron’s case, dismantling the prosecution’s arguments with precision and passion.

      And then, in a moment that seemed to hold the breath of the entire courtroom, the verdict was announced: not guilty. Tears of relief streamed down Cameron’s face as he realized that he had been vindicated, his innocence proven beyond a shadow of a doubt. And standing beside him, with a reassuring hand on his shoulder, was Mark Hanchey, the guide who had led him through the storm and into the light.

      Today, Cameron is grateful for the second chance he’s been given, and he knows that none of it would have been possible without the unwavering support and experience of The Law Firm of Mark S. Hanchey and Ben Peterson.

      If you’ve been arrested for domestic violence in Colorado Springs, CO, you don’t have to face this challenging time alone.

      The Law Firm of Mark S. Hanchey and Ben Peterson is here to provide you with the compassionate and experienced legal representation you need to navigate the complexities of the legal system.

      Free Consultations Available

      We understand the fear and uncertainty that comes with facing domestic violence charges, which is why we offer free consultations to individuals in need of legal assistance. During your consultation, we will listen to your story, assess the details of your case, and provide you with clear and honest guidance regarding your legal options.

      Dedicated Advocates for Your Rights

      At The Law Firm of Mark S. Hanchey and Ben Peterson, we are committed to fighting tirelessly on behalf of our clients. Our experienced criminal defense lawyers will work diligently to investigate your case, gather evidence, and craft a strategic defense strategy tailored to your unique circumstances. We will advocate fiercely for your rights every step of the way, striving to achieve the best possible outcome for your case.

      Contact Us Today

      Don’t wait to seek the legal representation you need. Contact The Law Firm of Mark S. Hanchey and Ben Peterson today to schedule your free consultation. Let us put our experience and dedication to work for you and help you navigate this challenging time with confidence.

      Client Reviews

      Hanchey has been amazing through the whole process of my case I have to say, he set my mind at ease through the whole process. I highly recommend him any day. He has gone above and beyond for me making sure I know everything.

      Romano Kuczirka

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