Hanchey Law Firm Car Accident Brand

Colorado Springs Car Accident Lawyers

Serving the state of Colorado

Do You Need Legal Help?

    Colorado Springs Car Accident Lawyers

    Serving the state of Colorado

    Do You Need Legal Help?

      Bridgette Carabajal

      I've had the pleasure of working with Mr. Hanchey on two occasions, and each interaction has been nothing short of exceptional. His professional demeanor, coupled with the outstanding support from his staff significantly alleviated any anxieties I had. I am thoroughly satisfied with the outcomes achieved. Should the need for legal representation arise in the future, Mr. Hanchey will undoubtedly be my first choice.

      Lucas Garcia

      Mark Hanchey has been excellent. I spoke with him last minute before my court date. He still showed up to court with me and was very caring and helped me before I had even officially hired him. I felt like he cared about me and my case. He knows his craft very well and you can tell that the judge and other attorneys respect him when he is in court. He is also very kind. I recommend him to anyone. An excellent attorney.

      Renee Braucht

      I had an amazing experience with the Hanchey Law Firm! Mr. Hanchey got me the absolute best result I could have imagined for my case. I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve heard, “wow, you must have had a really good lawyer!” when discussing the result. I live far from Colorado Springs, but I will forever make the trip for this firm when I need them! Highly recommend!

      David Walker

      I have needed to use a lawyer a couple of times over the past several years and have used Mark Hanchey. He is a very down to earth person who has always treated me with dignity and has always been straight forward. His staff has also been professional and friendly. Each time I used Mark Hanchey the result was a positive one. I also think his fees are reasonable. I cant say enough good about Mark Hanchey.

      Hanchey BG

      With You Every Step of the Journey

      When you need legal help, Mark Hanchey and Ben Peterson are here to guide you through it all. One step at a time. Reach out today for legal support. Get The Law Firm of Mark S. Hanchey and Ben Peterson fighting for you.

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      Law Firm of Mark S Hanchey

      With You Every Step of the Journey

      When you need legal help, Mark Hanchey and Ben Peterson are here to guide you through it all. One step at a time. Reach out today for legal support. Get The Law Firm of Mark S. Hanchey and Ben Peterson fighting for you

      Free Consultation Download PDF
      PDF Background
      Maximizing Your Injury Claim: 7 Pitfalls to Avoid at All Costs

      Maximizing Your Injury Claim: 7 Pitfalls to Avoid at All Costs

      Learn what you need to avoid during your personal injury claim. Download our free PDF guide.

      Colorado Springs Car Accident Lawyers

      A car accident can disrupt everything in an instant. At The Law Firm of Mark S. Hanchey and Ben Peterson, we understand the emotional whirlwind and financial strain that follow such an event. If you find yourself in this situation, know that you’re not alone. Our team of dedicated attorneys are here to guide you through the complexities of a car accident claim in Colorado Springs.

      Understanding the Landscape

      In 2022, there were over 94,000 car crashes in Colorado — and behind each statistic lies a personal story of pain, trauma, and recovery.

      Our Commitment to You

      When you choose The Law Firm of Mark S. Hanchey and Ben Peterson to represent you, rest assured that you’re not just another case number. We approach each situation with empathy and dedication, recognizing the confusion and worry that often accompany such events. Our goal is to alleviate your burden by fighting for the compensation you deserve.

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      Should I talk to the insurance without an attorney after a car accident?

      Free Consultations

      Your journey towards recovery begins with a simple step: a free consultation with our experienced attorneys. During this meeting, we’ll listen attentively to your story, evaluate the details of your case, and provide you with a clear understanding of your legal options. There’s no obligation, just an opportunity for you to gain insight into how we can assist you.

      Putting Your Trust in Our Hands

      Once you’ve enlisted our services, we’ll spring into action on your behalf. Our team will conduct a thorough investigation, gathering evidence, consulting with professionals, and building a strong case to support your claim. We’ll handle all communications with insurance companies, sparing you from the stress of navigating complex legal matters.

      Throughout the process, we remain steadfast in our commitment to achieving the best possible outcome for you. We won’t rest until you’ve received full and fair compensation for your injuries, medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

      Avoiding Common Mistakes After a Car Accident in Colorado Springs

      When you’ve been injured in a car accident, it’s natural to feel overwhelmed and uncertain about what steps to take next. Unfortunately, making certain mistakes in the aftermath of an accident can significantly impact your ability to recover fair compensation for your injuries. At The Law Firm of Mark S. Hanchey and Ben Peterson, we’re here to help you navigate the complexities of your case and avoid these common pitfalls.

      Choosing the Wrong Representation

      While many law firms may offer to handle your case, not all attorneys possess the trial experience necessary to effectively advocate for your rights. Insurance companies are well aware of which attorneys are willing to take cases to trial and which ones prefer to settle quickly, often at the expense of their clients. By choosing an attorney with a proven track record of success in the courtroom, you send a clear message to the insurance companies that you’re prepared to fight for the compensation you deserve.

      Delaying Medical Treatment

      Following a car accident, it’s essential to seek medical attention as soon as possible, even if you believe your injuries are minor. Delaying treatment can not only exacerbate your condition, but also weaken your claim for compensation. Insurance companies may argue that your injuries were not severe enough to warrant medical attention or that they were caused by something other than the accident. By promptly seeking medical care, you not only prioritize your health, but also establish a clear link between your injuries and the accident, strengthening your case for compensation.

      Disregarding Doctor’s Orders

      Once you’ve begun receiving medical treatment for your injuries, it’s crucial to follow your doctor’s orders diligently. This includes attending all follow-up appointments, completing prescribed therapies, and adhering to any activity restrictions. Failing to comply with your doctor’s recommendations not only jeopardizes your recovery but also undermines the credibility of your claim. Insurance companies may argue that your refusal to follow medical advice contributed to the severity of your injuries or prolonged your recovery unnecessarily, potentially reducing the compensation you’re entitled to receive.

      Speaking to Insurance Companies Without Legal Representation: Protecting Your Rights

      Perhaps one of the most common mistakes people make after a car accident is engaging in discussions with insurance companies without the guidance of an experienced attorney. Insurance adjusters are skilled at obtaining statements that can be used against you later in the claims process. They may ask leading questions, downplay the extent of your injuries, or pressure you into accepting a lowball settlement offer. By retaining legal representation from the outset, you can safeguard your rights and ensure that your interests are protected throughout negotiations with the insurance company.

      Frequently Asked Questions

      At The Law Firm of Mark S. Hanchey and Ben Peterson, we understand that you may have numerous questions about your rights, the claims process, and how to move forward. Below, we address some frequently asked questions to provide you with the information you need to make informed decisions about your case.

      Following a car accident, your first priority should be your safety and well-being. If possible, move to a safe location away from traffic and call emergency services if anyone is injured. Exchange contact and insurance information with the other parties involved, and gather evidence from the scene, including photographs and witness statements. It’s crucial to seek medical attention for any injuries, no matter how minor they may seem, and to avoid discussing the details of the accident with insurance companies until you’ve consulted with an attorney.

      It’s advisable to contact an attorney as soon as possible after a car accident, ideally before speaking with insurance companies. An experienced attorney can advise you on your rights, guide you through the claims process, and ensure that your interests are protected from the outset. At The Law Firm of Mark S. Hanchey and Ben Peterson, we offer free consultations to discuss your case and provide you with the information you need to make informed decisions about your legal options.

      Colorado follows a modified comparative negligence rule, which means that you can still recover compensation for your injuries even if you were partially at fault for the accident. However, your compensation may be reduced in proportion to your degree of fault. For example, if you were found to be 20% at fault for the accident, your compensation would be reduced by 20%. It’s essential to discuss the specifics of your case with an attorney to understand how comparative negligence may affect your claim.

      In Colorado, the statute of limitations for filing a car accident claim is typically three years from the date of the accident. However, there are exceptions to this rule, particularly if the accident involved government entities or if you were a minor at the time of the accident. It’s important to consult with an attorney as soon as possible to ensure that you don’t miss any deadlines that could affect your ability to recover compensation.

      If you’ve been injured in a car accident due to someone else’s negligence, you may be entitled to various types of compensation, including medical expenses, lost wages, property damage, and pain and suffering. The amount of compensation you can recover will depend on the specifics of your case, including the severity of your injuries, the extent of your financial losses, and the impact of the accident on your life. An experienced attorney can help you assess the value of your claim and pursue the maximum compensation available.

      Colorado Springs Car Accident Client Story

      This client story is for educational purposes only.

      In the heart of Colorado Springs, there’s a story that’s not just about accidents, but about resilience, hope, and justice. Meet Marty, a hardworking man who found himself in a sudden and terrifying T-bone car accident one fateful afternoon. In an instant, his life changed, and the road to recovery seemed daunting and uncertain.

      As Marty grappled with the physical and emotional toll of the accident, he faced another challenge: the insurance company’s reluctance to provide fair compensation for his injuries. They offered him mere pennies, brushing aside the pain and suffering he endured.

      Feeling lost and overwhelmed, Marty turned to The Law Firm of Mark S. Hanchey and Ben Peterson, where he met Ben Peterson, a dedicated personal injury attorney with a passion for helping those in need. From the moment they spoke, Marty knew he had found someone who would fight for him, someone who would be his voice in the courtroom.

      With Ben by his side, Marty’s journey took a new turn. Together, they embarked on a path toward justice, one that would lead them to trial. Despite the challenges and obstacles they faced along the way, Ben remained steadfast in his commitment to advocating for Marty’s rights.

      In the courtroom, Ben’s experience shone brightly as he presented Marty’s case with compassion and conviction. He left no stone unturned, meticulously crafting arguments that highlighted the true extent of Marty’s injuries and the impact they had on his life.

      The jury saw through the insurance company’s attempts to downplay Marty’s suffering and awarded him the compensation he deserved. For Marty, it was more than just a legal victory — it was a triumph of perseverance and courage.

      Today, Marty stands tall, his spirit unbroken by the challenges he faced. He knows that without The Law Firm of Mark S. Hanchey and Ben Peterson, he wouldn’t have achieved the successful outcome he did. Their unwavering support and dedication transformed his life, giving him the strength to overcome adversity and reclaim his future.

      If you find yourself in a similar situation, remember that you’re not alone. The team at The Law Firm of Mark S. Hanchey and Ben Peterson is here to stand by your side, just like they did for Marty. Together, we’ll navigate the complexities of your case and fight for the justice you deserve. Because when the road ahead seems uncertain, we’ll be there to guide you every step of the way.

      If you’ve been seriously injured in a car accident in Colorado, don’t face the aftermath alone.

      The Law Firm of Mark S. Hanchey and Ben Peterson is here to provide you with the compassionate legal representation you need during this challenging time. Our experienced car accident attorneys understand the physical, emotional, and financial toll that a car accident can take on your life, and we’re committed to helping you seek justice and fair compensation for your injuries.

      Free Consultations

      We offer free consultations to discuss your case and provide you with the information you need to make informed decisions about your legal options. During this meeting, we’ll listen attentively to your story, evaluate the details of your case, and offer personalized guidance based on our extensive experience handling car accident claims in Colorado Springs. There’s no obligation, just an opportunity for you to gain insight into how we can assist you.

      Contingency Fee Basis

      At The Law Firm of Mark S. Hanchey and Ben Peterson, we understand that pursuing legal action after a car accident can be daunting, especially if you’re already facing financial strain due to medical expenses and lost wages. That’s why we work on a contingency fee basis, which means you never owe us any money unless we have a successful result on your claim. Our goal is to alleviate your financial burden and provide you with the peace of mind you need to focus on your recovery.

      Contact Us Today

      If you’re ready to take the next step towards seeking justice and fair compensation for your car accident injuries, don’t hesitate to contact us. The team at The Law Firm of Mark S. Hanchey and Ben Peterson is dedicated to advocating for the rights of injured individuals in Colorado Springs, and we’re here to fight for you. Schedule your free consultation today — and let us help you on the path to recovery.

      Client Reviews

      Hanchey has been amazing through the whole process of my case I have to say, he set my mind at ease through the whole process. I highly recommend him any day. He has gone above and beyond for me making sure I know everything.

      Romano Kuczirka

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